[PDF] Catheters and sounds: the history of bladder catheterisation | Semantic Scholar (2025)

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@article{Mattelaer1995CathetersAS, title={Catheters and sounds: the history of bladder catheterisation}, author={JJ Mattelaer and Ignace Billiet}, journal={Paraplegia}, year={1995}, volume={33}, pages={429-433}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:1331169}}
  • JJ Mattelaer, I. Billiet
  • Published in Paraplegia 1 August 1995
  • History, Medicine

The term 'catheter' is derived from the Greek word meaning to let down into, or send down, the Romans used the word demissorium or demissum or immissum, meaning 'what is brought in', and the later Romans named it syringa.

24 Citations

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24 Citations

Urinary catheters: history, current status, adverse events and research agenda
    R. FeneleyI. B. HopleyP. Wells


  • 2015

There is an urgent need for the development of an alternative indwelling catheter system to be easy and safe to insert, either urethrally or suprapubically, to be retained reliably in the bladder and to be withdrawn easily and safely when necessary, to mimic natural physiology by filling at low pressure and emptying completely without damage to the bladder.

  • 237
  • PDF
Review article: Urethral catheters and catheterization techniques
    N. AgwuA. UmarU. Oyibo


    Nigerian Journal of Medicine

  • 2022

This review aims to disseminate knowledge on urethral catheter types, insertion procedures, and its attendant complications so that doctors and other health-care professionals may safely perform this necessary procedure.

  • 6
  • PDF
Urinary Catheters: A Review
    K. RamakrishnanJ. Mold


  • 2004

With family physicians increasingly involved in the multidisciplinary care of complex patients, they need to be aware of the current recommendations associated with the use of urinary catheters, and the problems associated with their insertion and maintenance.

  • 23
A Foley catheter ‘the jack of all trades’: a literature review of its common and novel uses
    R. KarmarkarS. BodapatiL. YaoS. Aroori


    Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of…

  • 2023

Some of the common and novel uses of this deceptively simple Foley catheter are described, and the scope of its application in modern medicine is discussed.

  • 1
  • PDF
Hydrophilic versus Non-coated Catheters for Intermittent Catheterization
    H. Hedlund, K. Hjelmås, O. Jonsson, P. Klarskov, M


  • 2001

There is a need for a prospective, randomized long-term multicentre study on CIC to reach a reliable conclusion about the supposed advantage of the hydrophilic catheters, especially with regard to bacteriuria and urethral irritation.

  • 3
Hydrophilic versus non-coated catheters for intermittent catheterization.
    H. HedlundK. HjelmåsO. JonssonP. KlarskovM. Talja


    Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology

  • 2001

There is a need for a prospective, randomized long-term multicentre study on CIC to reach a reliable conclusion about the supposed advantage of the hydrophilic catheters, especially with regard to bacteriuria and urethral irritation.

  • 64
Defining Urethral Complications of Intermittent Catheterisation Using Hydrophilic Catheters: A Scoping Review
    Todd LinsenmeyerChris Harding Diane Newman


    EMJ Urology

  • 2024

The authors highlight the urgent need for standardisation in the definitions of complications associated with catheter use to enhance research and education, and better manage and address intermittent catheter-associated complications (ICAC), promoting best practices in catheter education, use, and selection.

  • 1
  • PDF
A study of urinary catheter encrustation in patients with Proteus urinary tract infection.
    Sunil Mathur Mbbs


  • 2007

Proteus isolates from catheter users were found to have greater antibiotic resistance, particularly to trimethoprim and amoxicillin, than other local urinary tract isolates and Courses of antibiotic appeared ineffective at altering the urinary flora.

  • PDF
Historical Aspects of the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence
    D. SchultheissK. HöfnerM. OelkeV. GrünewaldU. Jonas

    Medicine, History

    European Urology

  • 2000

A more detailed review of the different treatment options including conservative therapies, incontinence devices, electrotherapy and surgical procedures, including injection therapies and artificial sphincters is revealed.

  • 23
Novo dispositivo intrauretral autossustentável para o tratamento da incontinência urinária: um estudo piloto
    E. S. Lustosa


  • 2015

The new self-retaining catheter proved to be a viable and safe alternative to intermittent catheterization in the process of bladder emptying with possibility and showed an improvement in patients’ quality of life in comparison to the previous treatment method.

  • PDF



14 References

History of Urology
    L. MurphyE. Desnos

    History, Medicine

    Annals of Medical History

  • 1933
  • 164
The value of intermittent catheterisation in the early management of traumatic paraplegia and tetraplegia
    L. GuttmannH. Frankel



  • 1966

The non-touch technique of intermittentCatheterisation has proved superior to any other form of early management of the paralysed bladder hitherto described and has disproved the prejudice held against intermittent catheterisation for so many years by urologists and other workers in the field of spinal paraplegia.

  • 427
  • PDF
Trocar suprapubic cystostomy for postoperative bladder drainage in the female.
    C. HodgkinsonA. Hodari


    American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

  • 1966
  • 58
Neurological Urology: Physiology of Micturition, Its Neurological Disorders and Sequelae
    E. BorsA. E. Comarr


  • 1970

Neurological Urology Physiology Of Micturition Its Neurological Disorders And Sequelae free DOWNLOAD NEUROLOGICAL UROLOGY PHYSIOLOGY of micturitions its neurological disorders and sequelae book catalogues in this site as the choice of you visiting this page.

  • 121
The rehabilitation of patients totally paralyzed below the waist, with special reference to making them ambulatory and capable of earning their living.
    D. Munro


    The New England journal of medicine

  • 1947

This paper is devoted to a description of the necessary apparatus and a discussion of the technic of these three therapeutic aids in such cases.

  • 67
A mythology of medical education.
    Simpson Ma

    Medicine, Education

  • 1974
  • 176
Followup on unsterile intermittent self-catheterization.
    J. LapidesA. DioknoB. S. LoweMark Kalish


    The Journal of urology

  • 1974
  • 178
A Self-Retaining Bag Catheter
    F. E. Foley


  • 1937
  • 31
Tidal Drainage of the Urinary Bladder
    D. MunroJ. Hahn


  • 1935
  • 50
Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Urinary Organs
    H. Thompson


    Glasgow Medical Journal

  • 1882
  • 8
  • PDF



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    [PDF] Catheters and sounds: the history of bladder catheterisation | Semantic Scholar (2025)
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